Friday, June 29, 2012

Ibsen's "A Doll's House" in Donmar Warehouse, London

by Hanna

Before I tell you something (though Malwi insists on much) about the whole play let me introduce you to the most magical theatre I have ever been to.
Donmar Warehouse located in the heart of London's West End. Can seat 250 people and is UK's leading producing theatres. These are some facts.

The sign on the building telling you "destination reached"

What you feel when you actually enter it cannot be described in words. The feeling is magical. It is so small inside that it gives the feeling of intimacy and direct contact with the actors on stage. ( and yes it is possible to touch the actor when you are seated in the first row. But never do it. Need to admit that our knees hurt a bit after seating there because of the lack of space between the seat and the stage).

This is how the theatre looks inside. Pretty small, huh? But so great. Utter perfection. The best seat I had was first row on the right as you are looking at the photo. One of the actors was articulating his lines in such a manner his saliva landed on some folks. (no, not me.). The actor was Christopher Eccleston (Dr Who number 9)
Mmm... maybe I should also tell you (and this! you won't find this in tourist guides) a bit about DW's bodyguard or manager was he? Anyway, very unpleasant guy. Disliked fans (even these well-behaved!), closed the door in front of their faces during stage door. Yeah, such people unfortunately also live on this planet :/ We baptised him "furry".

And if your next question is whether we checked the seats upstairs then the answer is - yes, we did. The view is amazing from there. Actually there is a funny story coming. During the first time we went to see the play we sat upstairs. Our friend, Em together with Malwi brought the actual book written by Ibsen to the play and they were checking the lines as Gillian was speaking. They were turning the pages, checking and decided she missed some lines, changed them or some of them she did not even say. I think both Malwi and Em were too loud in their activity. Some people from downstairs were giving them strange looks.

Back in 2008 the world of the X Files learnt the news that Gillian Anderson (from now on I'll be referring to her as GA, to much writing) will be the playing the lead character in Ibsen's A Doll's House. You have no idea (or maybe you do, I know some of our friends got to see her there as well) how great it felt being able to get the opportunity to see her on stage. And so we waited for any additional information to be released as to "when & where can we buy the freakin' tickets". Our Polish fan forum was well organised and we decided to attend as a group - go there together, sightsee London. After my X Files movie premiere review they were all very eager to attend such an event. All X-philes all over the world (literally! We met one girl who flew in from Australia just for a day (ONE DAY!!!) to see the play) were ready to attack the website with tickets. We had already checked the seating plan hundreds of times, searched through different theatre forums reading people's remarks about a particular seat - whether the view was good, etc. All very well planned logistically, I would say. I also remember that the tickets were supposed to be sold at a different time than they actually started selling them and me, the head of purchase departament, I was at work! Such a fail! However, upon arriving home I managed to get great seats for four different days. 

Day 1 - Circle. However the luckiest seat was A3 stalls. So whenever you will get the chance to visit DW pick that one. I still have the tickets! Safe & sound in a special magic box ;)

It was around November when we purchased the tickets and the play was the next June. HA! So many months to prepare the flights, etc. So let's just skip all these months that dragged mercilessly.
And we are in June 2009. London again. Beautiful city at this time of year. 
So as you know during the first time we say the play we sat upstair and saw everything from the bird's view. All was so great - the stage, the seating, the decoration, the actors, GA!!! FTW. As I recall well, GA was the first who entered the stage. She came right from the audience. If you just took a look at the first photo of this post. Yes, that one. As you see the stage is how GA saw it when she entered it in the first act. 

This is how the stage looked form upstairs. (photo not taken by us)

One day we came earlier and there was nobody seated yet. Em decided to go on stage and had this photo taken by Malwi. When the furry guy saw this he wanted to throw Malwi out of the theatre. LOL. I think she told him she did not understand any English. 

In short I will write you about the play. What we saw was a rewritten version of Ibsen's orignal. The story is placed in London and the names were also changed. A Doll's House is a story of a woman called Nora (GA), a married woman with two children. Her husband, Thomas has just become vice president of a bank. However, thins were not always so bright for her. Back in the past Thomas was ill and needed to go to southern Europe to recover. Nora took a loan from his friend, Kelman who worked in Thomas's bank. However, she forged her dying father's signature putting him as the loan's guarantor. For years Nora managed to pay the installments and all seemed fine until her friend, Mrs. Lyle, arrives one day asking Nora for a job in Thomas's bank. Mrs. Lyle can get this job, actually she can get Kelman 's job and he will loose his. Kelman  threatens Nora telling her that  Thomas  will learn about the forged signature. She is sure, however, that her husband will protect her when he learns the truth. How wrong she is!  Thomas is furious and has no intention of protecting his wife. In the meantime Kelman  withdraws from his plan. Nora already sees her marriage is not what she wanted and...
Well I guess you need to read it in order to learn what happened. The whole story is very interesting and you simply take the journey with Nora through her ups and downs.

A great applause should be given to the actors who put their hearts into the play. Let me introduce you to (from the left): Tara Fitzgerald (Mrs. Lyle), Maggie Wells (Annie, Nora's maid), Gillian Anderson (Nora), Toby Stephens (Thomas), Anton Lesser (Dr Rank), Christopher Eccleston (Kelman). (photo source: 

Photos from rehearsals. The first one I took myself from a the play's leaflet. 

The leaflet itself looks like this (still have it at home): 

Rehearsal time: GA & Toby Stephens

Photos from the play, found randomly online. All the actors were magnificent in their roles. GA, however, was ravishing. If you expected to see Scully here, you were so wrong in your judgement. 

GA with actors who played Nora's kids:  William Nye and Abby Negus. I recall them as very talented children.

This photo shows you the very begining of the first act. Nora walks onto the stage.

Christopher Eccleston and GA - "I want my money back"

GA. so many dresses and hairdos.

You will find more photos here: CLICK 
And more photos and videos here: CLICK

Nora has one enormous weakness - macaroons. Wherever she goes, she carries a tiny bag with her with macaroons. We even noticed Gillian pretending not to eat them on stage. She must have had enough of their sweetness and just pretended swallowing. I think the marshamallows she was given were just too sweet to eat every day in large quantities.

The whole cast, and I will reapeat myself, was truly amazing. Top acting. I would love to see it again though it is not possible. 

Oh, I have just been reminded that Malwi and our friends went the 5th time to see the play. I did not. I headed to visit my friends in other part of the city. The 5th time was the second in one day. No seats were available at that time and they had standing places. upstairs. 

pssst: I am really sorry to finish this post like this. I blame REM. Will be back tomorrow with part 2. Stories behind the scenes or rather behind the curtain and stage door memoirs! stay tuned.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Michael Jackson Gone Too Soon on 25th of June 2009 ....

by Malwi (but I think that this post doesn't need this - Hanna would NEVER write a post about Michael Jackson)

"What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson - that's all. And just when you think you know him, he gives you more... When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions.I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul. I love you Michael."
-Elizabeth Taylor

"Michael Jackson was not an artist who comes along once in a decade, a generation, or a lifetime. He was an artist who comes along only ONCE, period! I had the good fortune of meeting him when he was nine years old. Even then had a knowingness bout him. He knew he was special. He could dance and sing and act like anybody - and he just wanted to do it better! He was driven by his hunger to learn, to constantly to himself, to be the best. He raiesed the bar and then BROKE the bar. His talent and crestivity thrust him AND entertainment into the stratosphere.He loved giving all he had to his music and all he had to his fans. I mean, Michael was awesome.Totally in charge. In fact the more I think and talk about Michael Jackson, the more I feel the "King Of POP" was not big enough for him. I think he was simply "The Greatest Entertainer That Ever Lived".
- Berry Gordy Founder of MOTOWN

On 25th of June, it's been three years since we lost one of the most extraordinary, amazing, loving person who was walking on this planet. I won't write here about Michael Jackson Superstar, I won't write about his life, his strange behaviors, his kids, his passions, his work and definitely I won't write about his death. I will write about me and the important role he played and still is in my life. When I first saw his music video I was 8. It was July 1990 and I was watching MTV in my cousin's home (for those of you not from Poland - you must know that MTV was a  really huge hit and very new in 1990 here ! )  I was a strange kid, never taking too much care of toys or clothes. But since I remember I have always been buying LP's, MC's and wanted them as gifts. I know, I know that is strange but I've loved music since I remember. So the very first video of MJ that I saw was "BAD" I was like under the spell. Couldn't believe my eyes how amazing this person is, how awesome his dancing was and THOSE EYES!!! I fell in love in those big brown eyes. But the most importan what just touched my heart was THE music. The next day I got Michael's MC's "Thriller" and "BAD" . And from that day my life's changed forever. I won't be telling BS here. I'm a grown person, but I love him, and the most important I love his work. I don't write music, because Michael Jackson is so much more than just a music. And I love all ... music, videos, all those amazing and breathtaking concerts, humanity, love, Neverland all the magic around him but also bizzare behaviors, crazy and untrue stories, masks, PJ's, just everything. I love the whole package!! :) I can't write here my story with MJ, because that should be 22 years of my life with doubs, fear, love, saddness, pain, sicknes, fight .... but in every single minute of it there he was - always. Every single sound, every beat every note ... I am still finding something new in his songs..... but ..... then it was June 25th 2009 ! It was three years ago but I remember every single minute of it .... I was in London with Hanna and some other friends. We were there to meet Gillian Anderson, my favourive actress from beloved TV show "The X Files" and see her show "Doll's House" , I had the tickets for MJ's "THIS IS IT" concerts, it was supposed to be the best Summer vacation of my life. But it became a nightmare ...
It was 1am EU time when I got the first text from my The X Files friend from Germany, she texted me that MJ was in the hospital but maybe it was just a rumor. I went to sleep. You know I was on holiday, not having the Internet all the time, not watching TV, nothing ! Then at 5am my phone was beeping all the time ... I already had more than 300 texts !!! All about THE SAME ! I sat on the bed and kept staring on the screen not believing what they all were sending me. I woke up Hanna, she asked what was going on 'cos it was so early... I told her that Michael was dead and CNN confirmed this. She just told me "Malwi it's another crazy story, go to bed those friends of yours are playing games with you. He can't be dead. It's MJ he will never die!" But I was getting more and more texts from all around the world,  from really close people. I knew that they would NEVER joke about something like that. So we went to our friends' living room and turned the TV on. The news was everywhere!!! Even on kids' channels!!! But I still couldn't believe what I was seeing, what they were talking about! That was the biggest shock in my life. He promised to see us/fans in July ... he never showed up.
Even now when I'm writing those words I have tears in my eyes, I miss him. But I'm happy to be able to say that I was part of HIStory, a part of the great myth called Michael Jackson and his fans. We were like family for him, all what he was doing, he did for us, for people. I think that a lot of people didn't understand him or his music.As he sang "People say I´m not okay`Cause I love such elementary things...It´s been my fate to compensate, for the Childhood I´ve never known... " They enjoy the sound yeah, but not get what is under the POP surface. Not so many people knew the full versions of his songs just the way he wanted them to be. Not so many people know songs like "Little Susie", "Smile", "Music and me" or so many others! But I'm happy that they remember him. I'm happy that they remember THE music, videos, dance moves, magic ..... not only plastic sugeries, white skin, funny nose, strange behaviors, etc , etc .... I think that as many others great people he finally is understood by people. They learn a hard lesson ...
He taught me so much .... the love for music, ANY kind of music, from classic like Debussy or Chopin, to RAP, R&B,SOUL, even ROCK and METAL. He was showing us how amazing is the world of sound, vision, magic. He kept telling "Everyting you can dream on, you can make real" . He was making magic on and off stage. His life was a huge mess but he never gave up. He shoed me how amazing movies are like "E.T", "THE WIZ" or his very own "MOONWALKER" . Thanks to him I have friends all over the world ( and you must know that I'm writing NORMAL letters even now) I learned English coz of him, and I think that I see world and people in different light now. He showed me that the most important is L.O.V.E no metter what are you doing. And that people are important .... He also showed me that life is the most percious gift you could ever get ... and that no matter how hard it is NEVER GIVE UP!!!
He was on stage from the age of 5 till the last day of his life. He gave us all of him, we gave him nothing. 
Today Michael Jackson is no more, but his profound quotations and dedication towards music will always inspire millions. A golden era of pop music ended with his death. But, he will always be alive in the hearts of millions of his fans through his irrevocable contribution to the world of music.And now I just want to believe that his legacy will live on FOREVER!!!

and quoting his own song...
"Like A Comet

Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night"

The place of his rest:


25th of June 2009 in front of HMV Music Store Piccadilly Circus , London UK

in front of Neverland:

But please remember him as great person and loving and proud father

Thank you so much for taking your time and read it. If you still have 4,5min  please listen to this tribute song

"Better On The Other Side" 
by The Game (feat. Chris brown)

And OK now I know what all of you think!!! :) So don't be shy and write in comments that I'm crazy, and that MJ got what he wanted...
PS: I collect all about Michael and have pretty cool collections of any possible stuff you can ever imagine (but that is a story for another long post) from vinyls, singles, MCs, CDs, books, magazines, trading cards, VHS, DVDs to dolls, T-shirts, playing cards, perfumes, socks, cubes...just everything! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

IWTB day 3

by Hanna

The last day of the XF event took part in one of my favourite's places in London - Forbidden Planet in Covent Garden.
There was another meeting with Chris and Frank and of course all the fans showed up. The line to FP was pretty long but everyone got the chance to chat with Chris and Frank a bit.

Open, relaxed and patient with fans as always. Two great men devoted to XF till the end of the world. Chris & Frank you'll always have my respect.

One of my friends got this tattoo above her ankle. XF forever.

Everything was XF related. Here the German translation of X Files on a bag:

me & my friend happy after experiencing all the XF mania :)

Those three days passed really quickly and all regreted it lasted for such a short time though I do not think any other premiere lasted for so many days with so many attractions. 
It truly was one of my best times as an X-phile. Just shame Malwi was not a part of it. She would have loved it and she knows it perfectly. Still regrets... :(

I Want To Believe continues...

by Hanna

Day Two - the actual XF: I Want To Believe premiere in London's Leicester Square. 

Leicester Square is the home of almost every big movie premiere that takes place in London. I was there for Rambo, Sex and the City, Iron Man... None of them was as great as XF one. The biggest fan group came from Germany (that's actually the time when I met Carmen, she came there with the German XF fanclub).

The awesome carpet with the famous X. FTW!!!

The first fans came around 10 a.m. and it all started around 5 p.m.

Carmen's T-shirt she wore for the premiere:

The Empire that held the premiere looked like that (I'd love to have such a huge banner at home):

The day passed rather quickly on talks among the fans on conspiracy and unsolved cases stopped for a quick food and drinks in nearby cafes. And you know what? It was really worth waiting so many hours there because I had a really great place and could see everything. Shame that people who came later were pushing really hard and screaming like crazy :/

and finally the time came and all could cheer up for the big thing start rolling! 

All four (Gillian, David, Chris and Frank) came and were really patient with the fans, gave autographs to all. Seeing Gillian and David for the first time live gave a thrill. A magnificent experience. 

David came as the first one. Was very focused and not so cheerful. Later we all learnt why but will not discuss such matters here. Xphiles know what I am writing about, the rest of you, just use uncle Google :)

Chris happy and modest as always. Very open to fans.

GILLIAN!!! here 7-month pregnant with Felix. Such a talent she is. Plus all must know "fuck" is her favourite word. ( She's THAT crazy -> a must see video from Jay Leno: GA's bathroom accident: )

And Frank who truly adores X-philes. Still answers them online after such a long time the show came to an end. All of them devoted to the XF. A perfect team. 

After that they disappeared in the cinema where many fans gathered to watch the movie. The funniest thing was that the movie had premiered earlier in Poland than in the UK and I did not have to go and watch it in London. However, majority of people were spoiler free and the plot was not discussed at that time. 

I had to go to Apple Store and write everything that had happened to my friends in Poland who were waiting impatiently for the news. Luckily I found Mac that was not occupied by anyone and could write all almost live. Malwi was not able to come to London with me and she literally was crying back at home. She kept writing to me all the time, not only her, many friends. I had to tell them every single detail of the event. I think I spent in the Apple Store good two hours writing! They had their own private XF journalist or sth! That was a really hard time for Malwi as she has always wanted to be a part of such event especially when it concerned XF, the magic, the unexplained, the feeling of being one huge X family. During the series there were many fans convents all over the world but we could not attend these so honestly that premiere was the only possibility to be a part of it. Well maybe somewhere in the future there will be XF 3...

Friday, June 22, 2012

X Files premiere

by Hanna

Honestly The X Files is a huge part of our youth. Not that we are that old now...
Summer 2008 is a time Malwi will always regret. Sometimes life is just hard and makes all complicated so she did not attend TXF: I Want To Believe London premiere and there is a lot to regret. The premiere itself was an amazing experience for every X-phile. The whole event was an excellent gift for all the fans and lasted for three days.
DAY 1 - July 29th, 2008
Imagine the omnipresent fog of London and now London without the fog as the day was clear and sunny.  Now imagine Oxford Street full of tourists and shops, busy with black taxis and red double-deckers. Now somewhere there try to locate a massive music store, the HMV. Right there in this very heart of London all were surprised by the kings of XF - Chris Carter (the creator) and Frank Spotnitz (the co-producer).

Every X-phile was waiting for this to come. The second movie finally was made, 6 years after the TV show had finished.

Fans gathered in HMV

Chris & Frank during Q&A. Fans had plenty of questions regarding the movie

they surely are two gentlemen answering all the questions and devoting their time for something we all love

THE MAN who gave us Scully & Mulder, conspiracy theories, TRUSTNO1

Thursday, June 21, 2012

how we met...

The story's actually not so long...
Once upon a time...Wait, it's not this story.
In 1993, September the 10th actually, the world (not all of it) got to know a revolution. The X Files came to live on the silver screen. Many people did not even expect how much their live will change...CUT TO...
Poland - in 1993 we were teenagers and knew nothing about The X Files. However, the awarness grew slowly in our little minds and we became huge fans. Met somewhere online, on a Polish XF fansite and of course Malwi started talking and I had to listen ;) Actually everybody listened. LOL. Years passed and then in 2008 there was a huge event for all X-Philes, a new movie - I Want To Believe. Polish fanbase decided to celebrate the premiere together and we organized a meeting in Warsaw. That's when we met live for the first time. We stayed there over the weekend with our friends, other X-Philes and had fun watching IWTB in the cinema. Honestly, at that time I thought Malwi was TXF walking encyclopedia. XFilesopedia!!! She tested everybody, asked questions about X Files and nobody could have answered any of her questions. They were too detailed!
Gee, Mal remember when we were walking our friend to the station and she was so involved in our talk that when she was getting on the train she actually didn't mind the gap and found herself inside the gap? Pretty scary at that time. Good the train was not on the move.
And no we won't show you any photos of that time because we did not look as good as nowadays ;P
Here, have some fun with XF pics.

by H.