Saturday, July 21, 2012

Postcards from the seaside...

being a bit down because of the weather. missing such places at the Baltic seaside as you can see below. Polish seaside can be pretty magnetic... 

omnipresent funfairs

Such a gorgeous sunset (not photoshoped)

these were taken in Słowiński National Park. Basically what you see are moving dunes.

and a bit more of the sea

all photos taken by me so no credits needed. none of those photos were photoshoped or changed :)

thanks for stopping by,


Friday, July 13, 2012

Forbidden Planet

Comic Con madness around. London, Paris, San Diego.  In my post you will find couple of photos from one of our favourite places in London. Forbidden Planet.

Here's a very young Malwi with some of her friends.

Childhood memories - Moomins

and Stewie.

Now, who wouldn't like to be Wonder Woman.

A few items we found very practical *evil laughter* as in *Dracula laughter* The Psycho scene in your private bathroom ;)

Invite some guests and wear this when serving the meal. LOL.

 And the last photo - beloved Smurfs.
Only adults permitted to read this. You sure, you're over 18?  Hey, have you ever thought how is it possible that there is only one Smurfette and a whole bunch of Smurfs?

How can one not love such displays?

cheers. H

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ATP Sunday by Hanna

Taking advantage of Sunday's clear sky and sun... ATP day. Because there are around 100km of bike routes in my town it is really easy to choose a different one each time. It is also a great way of getting to know the area. This route leads around the lake, through the woods into a nearby town. We passed an old railways station and reached a picturesque park with a renovated castle. Anyway, I won't bore you to death. Just enjoy the landscape...

An old railway station. This train won't go anymore. It's used as a cafe now.

What did the author have on his/her mind? Such a great bike, could be easily used for ATP.

And into the woods. This particular path is well prepared and cycling there is pure pleasure.

Some wise men decided to grant cyclists and put such places to rest and have a snack.

Looks like X Files set, Vancouver. ;)

That day there was a canoing trip along the river.

And a very picturesque scenery in the park.

This church is a part of the castle. You know, we have plenty of churches in Poland...

That's how the renovated castle looks like. And some people ATPing of course :)

A family spending their Sunday lazy mode.

I love riding this route. Enjoy the nature & relax.

Water ATP.

The distance. Almost 44km! ( that makes 27 miles)

After this distance tired took a quick swim and hit the bed for long hours.



PS: all photos taken by me so I don't need to credit anyone, HA. and also sometimes Malwi complains I do not write long enough. Just one remark - I am not the talkative one ;) x