Saturday, September 8, 2012

Weren't I lovely? #dog #animal #schnauzer #animallover

Just would like to share some of the images of my dog. Unfortunately, she's no longer on this planet but good memories remain.
Here you go. Meet Magic, a miniature schnauzer:

<3 H.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Downhill ride.

So here is one out of many great outdoor activities. It's like a waterslide but without water. Just go fast downhill and scream at those who try to block you by pressing brake. 

So the "cars" look like that, 2 people at one go. 

and of course I had to take the next three pics. There was a group of children who came on holiday and the group was lead by nuns. They went for a ride as well!!! Not that they can't, just I was surprised they actually wanted to have this kind of fun.

Going up. Now these two are the real speed devils.

Though it is designed for two people, it is really hard to squeeze your legs when sitting at the front.

The last bridge and downhill begins.

The next few photos are so so. Taken while going downhill. The track was pretty long and my driver did not want to slow down.

Yeah and the end. Slow down. 30m till the finish line.

Looks neat. Would love to have such at home, don't you? So if anyone has some spare money and a hill, feel free to build that thing and invite me over ;)))))))

 H. :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On 29 August 1958, Michael Joe Jackson was born.

54 years ago a unique special baby was born, on the earth to make a difference. 
54 years ago at 7:33pm a LEGEND was born that would touch the WORLD by his charm, talent & LOVE. 
I can't begin to describe how blessed we all are to have experienced this genius and loving creation of God. 

Wherever you are 


Here you can see MJ's 39th birthday during his HIStory tour. 

by Malwi (of course ) 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Dunajec River.

 The other day we decided to try this what you can see below. You get on this wooden boat/raft (honestly it's  5 smaller canoes linked together with ropes) and enjoy a 20km ride which takes 2h15mins. On a bright day the views along the way are amazing. I was surprised to see so many tourists taking this tour because that is a rather hidden place on the map and Pieniny (the mountains) are not that much popular among foreigners. Glad so many of them discover such sights.

Each raft gets two guides dressed in a traditional vests and hats.

Views on the way:

The only thing used for the boat to move is this wooden stick.

Passing by a camp site. Two nice gentlemen had their own river bar. LOL.

The Three Crowns massif seen from the raft. It is possible to hike there.

Here is a Slovakian raft since the river goes along Polish-Slovakian border at some points both nations offer such trips.

My "lovely and only son" - as he refers to himself. LOL. Kids these days. Way to smart and way to cute.

Though these boys did that, I would not risk jumping like that. The river is not a deep one (not anymore, used to be) and it is easy to hit a rock with your head...

These two little girls are Eva & Gosia (Maggie) :) I do not think I have ever met more polite and nicer girls. Always with smiles on their faces.

Now that was quite a sight! There is a walking path/bike route along the river's bank. Seeing  group of nuns was pretty funny but I guess they also need some holidays from time to time, right?

After 2 hours we reached a holiday town called Szczawnica. Below are houses built in a typical mountain style.

And newly renowated river bank, filled with tourists in the evening.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

ps: I won't write again photos by me, bc they are by me lol.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Niedzica Castle (Dunajec Castle)

Welcome back! I had a blast during that part of my holidays. Explored a lot of great places in the Pieniny and the Tatra Mountains on the border of Poland and Slovakia.

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The first stop (even before arriving at our sleeping point) was the Niedzica Castle located in a village of Niedzica. It is also known as the Dunajec Castle, name taken from the river that starts nearby.
There is a legend that the castle used to be inhabitet by Incas and that there is a treasure hidden somewhere in the depths of the castle. Nowadays it serves as a historical museum.

The castle is located on a hill from where there is a view of Czorsztyn Lake.

There is a square in sorrounded by the castle walls.

A view of the square from the upper balcony.

Everyone can visit the inside of the castle which is a set of corridors and hidden rooms.

Here a display of furniture, dishes and clothes from the past.

Tea, anyone? :)

From the hill you can also see Czorsztyn dam.

A look from the top of the dam onto another part of the lake.

This is how the castle looks from the dam.

When having some time on your hands you can also take a boat tour round the lake. It is not a port or anything close to a port and the pier looks like that. Just wait until the boat comes to get you.

Water ATP :) Really cool way of spending some time.

Enjoying our ride on the top deck.

That is how the castle looks like from the lake. Reminds me of Scotland...

The landscape of Pieniny Mountains - forest, water, green + fresh air and amazing views.

 Happy as always :)

Thanks for stopping by. More to come soon.